
Are you planning to switch to a natural plant based laundry detergent? Detergents are one of the products that bring a huge impact in damaging the environment and ecosystem. The surfactants contained in detergents can harm aquatic biota. Moreover, the foam produced can allegedly cause microorganisms in the water to lack oxygen.

Not to mention the packaging that is mostly made of plastic. Therefore, if you decide to switch to using plant based laundry detergent, that’s so kind of you. Below are some tips to choose one.

Buy One Whose Ingredients Have Been Clinically Tested by the Government

Each product of both powder and liquid detergent in the market generally has been passed the government’s clinical test. When the government states that the ingredients contained in a certain detergent are safe, then you can choose it without a doubt. But you have to reduce the use of detergent that contains surfactants.

As it is said previously, surfactants can poison aquatic biota. Also, the harmful chemicals have the potential to damage fish gills.

Low or No Phosphate at All

If you do not know what phosphate is, it is a building ingredient that increases the washing efficiency of surfactants by inactivating water hardness-causing minerals. The use of phosphate in detergents is not suggested as it potentially reduces oxygen that will definitely affect the growth of algae. So, choose a natural plant based laundry detergent that has low or no phosphate.

The Lowest Natrium Hydroxide

Besides phosphate, natrium hydroxide or NaOH is also a harmful chemical contained in detergents. It is one of the chemical components that becomes a builder for detergents. Generally, powder detergents have more natrium hydroxide than liquid detergents. Read the composition in the packaging when you are choosing a laundry detergent.

Choose one with the lowest level of natrium hydroxide or no NaOH at all. It is because this chemical can make your hands feel burning, especially if you wash clothes with your hands.

Low Foam

Given the foam produced by detergents is believed to reduce the supply of oxygen for microorganisms in the water, it is better to choose a laundry detergent with less or low foam. According to a number of studies there is no correlation between foam and the performance of detergents in cleaning clothes.

Much foam produced by a detergent does not mean that the natural plant based laundry detergent is totally effective in cleaning clothes and removing stains.