
Laundry detergent supplier has become one of the biggest industries in the market. Since it provides one of the most important household materials. We all know laundry detergent as one substance that helps clean clothes. Here’s everything you need to know about laundry detergent.

Laundry detergent has a lot of different names. The main function is still as a cleaning agent for daily laundry. It comes in different forms too. You might use liquid detergent, powder, or bar-like soap detergent.

Detergents are surfactants. Their main objective is to reduce the surface tension of a liquid in which it is dissolved. The benefit of a detergent is that it could work as a surfactant even in very low concentrations. That’s one of the things that’s pursued by all detergent manufacturer.

Since detergent and soap have similar properties, they often get mistaken for one another. However, the distinction between them would be the ability to dissolve in saline water and hard water. Detergents have this ability while soaps don’t.

Detergent Manufacture Process

There are two different methods to manufacture detergent. One is following an anionic process and the other would be non-ionic surfactants.

In anionic surfactants, the hydrocarbons are extracted from fats and oils to produce newer acids. It might also involve petroleum undergoing a chemical reaction. After new acids are produced, then, an alkali solution is added to create anionic surfactant molecules you can find in industrial detergent suppliers.

The other one is non-ionic surfactants, where the hydrocarbons are converted to alcohol first. The next step would be to create a reaction between the alcohol and ethylene oxide. Then the surfactants produced are reacted with acids containing sulfur.

Types of Industrial Laundry Detergent Suppliers

There are several types of industrial laundry detergent suppliers that you need to know. Commonly they have both hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions that allows them to bind with both grease and water.

1. Anionic Detergents

In anionic detergent, the head is negatively charged. It usually comes from a sulfate group. They are very effective to remove stains, dirt, and even clay from your daily laundry. It works even better if you are cleaning things that are highly absorbent of water like cotton materials.

You can find this type of detergent in any cleaning products, from dishwashing liquid, hand soaps, toothpaste, and also laundry detergent. Since it could also generate a lot of bubbles, this is the most common type of detergent you could find in laundry detergent supplier.

2. Cationic Detergents

Now if you want something that has anti-bacterial properties, cationic detergents could provide that. The positively charged head, usually from ammonium salt binds water in a different way than the anionic detergents.

For fabric, it could create a waxy coating that is created from the positive head sticking to the negative one. That makes this type of detergent is mainly used in fabric softeners, hair conditioners, and also domestic disinfectants. This is also very famous in the detergent manufacture world.

3. Non-Ionic Detergents

Commonly, laundry detergent bottle manufacturers use non-ionic detergents. Because it could emulsify oils and remove grease and oils from soiled surfaces. This type of detergent is also milder because there is no ionizing process.

These types of detergents consist of an oxygen atom, combined with two long nonpolar groups. It also produces little to no suds. Making this type is suitable to add in dishwashers or front-loading washing machines.

4. Amphoteric or Zwitterionic Detergents

If non-ionic detergents are neutrally charged, then the amphoteric or zwitterionic detergents are both positive and negative in their polar head. They work effectively to break protein interactions. However, they are not charged because their load is balancing out each other.

This type of detergent lacks conductivity and does not bind ion-exchange materials like resins. However, this type of detergent has low toxicity and low eye and skin irritation. It is also tolerant of hard water and has a great foaming ability. Making this a great type of private label natural laundry detergent.

5. Mixture of Anionic and Non-Anionic

The last type is a mixture of anionic and non-anionic that creates an intermediate detergent. It is insensitive to temperature. While anionic detergents become more hydrophilic with the rise in temperature, non-ionic detergents behave the exact opposite.

Types of Detergents Based on Physical State

The easiest way to differentiate bulk detergent suppliers is through the physical state. There are 4 common physical states of detergent that you might find.

1. Powder Detergents

With a gentle formula, powder detergent manufacture has been people’s favorite since a long time ago. It has a great composition of calcium and magnesium that can dissolve in water. It is also the best type to remove outdoor stains like clay, mud, and even grass.

Not only that, but it is also effective to remove oil and grease. Making powder detergent on top of the popularity list. It is also friendly for hand wash or hard water usage. The only disclaimer you need to pay attention to is you should store it in a dry place to avoid the detergents from clumping.

2. Liquid Detergents

The next type that you could find in laundry detergent wholesale suppliers is liquid detergent. It could easily dissolve even in cold water and leave no residue on clothes. However, it could also pool on the cloth fibers and cause allergies and skin irritation over time.

Some products also come in a great bottle design with a cup to measure how much you need for one batch of laundry.

3. Pods Detergents

The next type is pod detergents. This type usually has a private label laundry detergent manufacturer. It is already measured for one batch of laundry. Meaning you could throw one pod inside every time you do laundry.

4. Tablet Detergents

The last one you could find in the laundry detergent contract manufacturer is a tablet detergent. It is zero-waste and eco-friendly. Produces little to no suds and leaves no soap to enter the water supply. It is also pre-measured so you don’t need to worry about overusing detergents.

That is everything you need to know before choosing your OEM detergent powder manufacturer. There are many types that you could choose from. It could also be a great consideration factor if you need one that suits your business.